
Approved for determining oxygenates in gasoline and other motor fuels by ASTM D5599 and EN 1601.

The determination of oxygenates in motor fuels is an important mandate of the reformulated fuels program.
To meet this goal, the United States Environmental Protection Agency approved the use of Oxygenate Flame Ionization Detector (O-FID) analysis in preference to other analyses currently used by the fuels industry.

Oxygen Selectivity
Using an Agilent Technologies 7890B with custom hardware, this instrument rapidly determines oxygenate components in motor fuels. A single injection is introduced onto a capillary column which separates oxygenate components in boiling point order. A cracking reactor converts hydrocarbons into elemental carbon, and oxygenated compounds into carbon monoxide. A methanizer then further converts the carbon monoxide into methane before eluting to the FID detector.

Because hydrocarbons never make it to the detector,this method completely eliminates problems with hydrocarbon interferences.

Simple to Use and Operate
The O-FID has been engineered to provide long life and require infrequent service. When replacement of the cracking reactor or
methanizer is necessary, the task can be accomplished in under one hour, including instrument equilibration time.


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